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Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences

Musée | Cambridge | Angleterre | Royaume Uni

Le Musée des Sciences de la Terre Sedgwick à Cambridge est l'un des plus anciens et importants musées de sciences de la Terre et de l'environnement au Royaume-Uni. Fondé en 1728, il présente une collection impressionnante offrant un aperçu complet de l'histoire de la Terre, des premières époques géologiques aux connaissances scientifiques actuelles.

Le musée est divisé en plusieurs grandes collections couvrant différentes disciplines géologiques. Une partie centrale du musée est la collection de paléontologie, qui présente de nombreux fossiles, y compris des squelettes de dinosaures et les restes d'animaux préhistoriques. Les visiteurs peuvent en apprendre davantage sur l'évolution de la vie sur Terre et retracer les différentes périodes géologiques à travers les fossiles, les minéraux et les roches.

Une collection particulièrement remarquable est la Woodwardian Collection, nommée d'après le géologue Adam Sedgwick, qui a fondé le musée. Cette collection comprend des instruments géologiques historiques, des collections de fossiles et de minéraux remontant au 18ème siècle. La collection de minéraux et de pétrologie est également remarquable, montrant une grande variété de roches reflétant la formation et l'évolution de la Terre sur des millions d'années.

Le musée propose non seulement des expositions sur l'histoire de la Terre et la paléontologie, mais aussi des programmes interactifs et des offres éducatives pour les écoles et le grand public approfondissant la compréhension des concepts scientifiques. Il propose également régulièrement des expositions temporaires sur des sujets actuels en géologie et en sciences de l'environnement.

Le Musée des Sciences de la Terre Sedgwick offre ainsi une occasion unique de plonger dans les secrets les plus profonds de la Terre et d'en apprendre davantage sur la formation de notre planète ainsi que sur l'évolution de la vie. C'est un important centre d'éducation et de recherche qui attire à la fois les scientifiques et les amateurs.




University Of, Downing Pl
CB2 3EQ Cambridge

Vue de carte

Horaires d'ouverture

Lundi10:00 - 17:00
Mardi10:00 - 17:00
Mercredi10:00 - 17:00
Jeudi10:00 - 17:00
Vendredi10:00 - 17:00
Samedi10:00 - 16:00


825 Avis

Karen Woods

Brilliant museum. Good for children 6+.
Φάνης Πάνος

Μικρό αλλά αρκετά ενδιαφέρον μουσείο με πολλά εκθέματα. Η είσοδος είναι δωρεάν

The bulk of the artefacts comprise rocks and fossils of various ages and varieties, which I expect you've got to be seriously into natural science to fully appreciate, but the larger artefacts are stunning. The staff are welcoming and knowledgeable. It's amazing to have places like this to visit for free.
Daniel Willingham

This is a tremendous and awesome museum about Geology and Fossils and is one of the Fossil and Geology Museums in the UK due to its array of fascinating objects and informative displays which you keep you enthralled and captivated. The museum is very nice old building which adds to its charm and character and it is also housed on one floor charters the Geological History of the Earth from the beginning to the modern day and when seeing the displays it is best to work from the far end of the museum where the displays of the Earth in its infancy are through to the modern day which is near the shop to make the most of your visit and enjoy it. At the far end of the museum in the Whewell Gallery where you can learn about rocks and gemstones and also learn about the scientific processes behind them and their scientific structures and how they give off the colours when lights travels, which is very enthralling and riveting stuff to learn about and there is absolute treasure trove of gemstones and rocks which are absolutely outstanding and you are in awe of the fact of how they have been formed by natural processes over millions of years. As you make your way out of Whewell Gallery you can see some stunning displays about the Rock Cycle and learn about the different types of rock such as Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous Rocks and how they formed and see some amazing examples of these in the displays cabinets. There are some wonderful displays about the structure of the earth and also how earthquakes and volcanoes are formed and the different plate margins and how they are responsible for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The other amazing displays include periods of Geological history such as The Cambrian and Devonian Periods and you can see some amazing fossilised fish and ammonite fossils in the displays cabinets, which appear very intriguing and have amazing detail on them along with being in brilliant condition. There are great displays about the Ichthyosaur and you can see fossils of an Ichthyosaur in the display cabinets which are great and learn about the first very Crocodiles that walked the planet and see some great fossils of them. Near to the area of the shop there are more brilliant displays of fossils and a cast of a Skull of Tyranosaurus Rex and there is a display of a Dinosaur skeleton which is awesome and awe inspiring to see. Other skeletons displays are of a Hippopotamus and a Deer and there is a fascinating display about Darwin and his exploits into the world of Geology, the discoveries he made and the legacy, which is very enlightening and interesting to learn about. The staff are very welcoming and friendly upon entry providing you with a map to guide with what to see, which makes you feel very welcome and enjoy your visit. There is a small shop selling a lovely of gifts and souvenirs at very reasonable prices. Overall this is a tremendous and terrific place to visit which makes for a throughly enlightening, interesting and enjoyable day out. Definitely a museum well worth a visit whilst in Cambridge.
Grace Sia

The staff are helpful! I enjoyed it so much over there!
Mustafa Edge

Amazing place to visit.Helpful staff.
Neville Clark

Make time to read the text with exhibitions to get the full experience. A great university resource. Helpful staff.

Lovely visit on a rainy ☔ morning the two staff/volunteers were realy helpful and knowledgeable. I loved 😍 seeing so meny fossils 🦖🐚 but the giant Irish Deer🦌 was my favourite . This museum is free which is amazing, to get here just go to downing Street and follow the signs ⤴️ into the courtyard and up the bear 🐻 stairs.
Hassan Uddin

It’s free for entry, informative and quick to explore
Dean Booker

Walk from start of life on earth to now
Daniel Grove

I was glad for the signs to let us know where to go. You go through an archway to get onto the college campus. The Archaeology and Anthropology Museum is on the right and Segwick Museum of Earth is on the left. You will find the entrance in the far left corner as you will see a pair of bears on the left steps and a pair of bison on the right steps. If you want to see fossils and bones, this will be your stop. Plan a bit of time as there is sooo much to see in these collections. It is free to the museum since it is part of the college. There are maps available for you to see the location you may have been interested in.They suggest starting at the beginning. You can then wind your way through history toward the Charles Darwin exhibit which is the end point. They have plenty of areas for kids to hang out and draw or solve puzzles. There are also lifts in some areas to help those in wheelchairs to get to the displays that have small stairs. Stop by the small shop to get some knick knacks and fossils for sale.
Sara Tasnim

Staff weren't welcoming, lots of steps to go in which isn't very nice, disabled entrance requires extra time and assistance which is pretty demeaning in this day and age!
Adrian Walding

Lots of things to see - we enjoyed this with two young and potential geologists
Chloe Hines

Great museum, lots to see and learn!
Paul Cooper

Well, I studied here, 50 years ago! But the museum is good, with displays appealing to young and old. My 7 year old grandson loved it!
Dhanasekar srinivasan

Interesting museum with lots of exhibits. Not able to explore all floors as they were about to close. Would be better if they extend the timings during weekends.
Cristian Anton

Very decent, old-style museum, a favourite with our eldest who loves dinosaurs (especially those in the shop). There are activities and books for little ones, and a nice geology display. Good for a short visit.

Free entry, amazing collection museum.
Wim Hobbelink

Het gebouw op zich en de inrichting is al een reis terug in de tijd. In het museum tref je onder andere skeletten van Dino’s aan. Ook zijn er veel fossielen en stenen/mineralen in verband met de geologie van de aarde. Het museum is gratis toegankelijk. Ook leuk voor kinderen!
Shayne Lewis

Large numbers of display cases well labelled. Free admission. Pleasant and helpful staff.
Janet Bowman

A fantastic Museum for old and young, packed with fascinating exhibits, and very well curated.
Dawid P.

Dobre miejsce pełne wiedzy i nauki.


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